Uploading Your Build
Dashboard - Getting Started
Last updated
Dashboard - Getting Started
Last updated
Uploading a build to Streampixel involves several stages, each of which is tracked and communicated through specific status updates. This guide will help you understand each step of the process, ensuring that you can manage your builds effectively.
Before uploading your build, please ensure that it meets the following criteria:
Format: Only Windows
build packages are supported in .ZIP
Size Limit: The maximum file size allowed is 24GB.
Content: Upload the packaged project, not the project files.
Navigate to the Project Settings page.
Click on the Project Info tab.
Select the Upload New Build tab, which will prompt you to choose the zip file for upload.
Note: Only one build can be uploaded at a time for each project. You must wait for the current upload to complete before starting another.
The upload process is divided into several stages, each represented by a status update:
: Your build is in line for processing. It waits its turn while other builds are being processed.
: Your build is currently being downloaded to our servers. This marks the beginning of the process.
Extracting and Scanning
: After download, your build is extracted and scanned for integrity and security threats. This ensures the uploaded package is safe and ready for further processing.
Saving to Repository
: Your build is stored securely in our repository. It remains here until it is distributed to servers or goes live, based on the auto-release settings.
Distributing to the Servers
: The build is distributed across the necessary server infrastructure to ensure it is ready for activation.
Current Live Build
: This status indicates that the build is now active and available for users to access.
: Builds from previous versions or those uploaded with the auto-release feature disabled are archived to keep the repository organized. These archived builds can be accessed for historical analysis or used for rollback if necessary.
Validation Failed
: This status indicates an issue occurred during the processing of your build. Details regarding the specific problem can be found in the remarks column.
Once the build goes live, you will receive an email notification, and the share link will become active.
The auto-release feature controls how new builds are made live:
Enabled: The build automatically goes live once it successfully passes all processing stages.
Disabled: The build is saved in the repository and requires manual action to go live. This option gives you more control over the timing and deployment of new builds.